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UPS new direct flights are speeding up from the us to the Middle East

        The Middle East is thegateway to Africa and Indiasubcontinent. The Boeing 747-8 freighter recently put into operation canshorten the transport time to the main destination in the Middle East.

          This is an importantmeasure for UPS to become Dubai's2020 official logistics partner of World Expo.

        UPS (New York StockExchange Stock Code: UPS) opened a daily direct flight to Dubai, United ArabEmirates, which was the world port in Louis, Kentucky, USA. The opening of thisflight can shorten the time of freight transportation between the maindestinations of the United Statesand the Middle East for a whole working day.The flight was carried out by one of the 747-8 newly introduced UPS cargoplanes. The opening of this airline is part of UPS's construction of the globalintelligent logistics network, and is also a great achievement of UPS as theofficial logistics partner of 2020 Dubai World Expo.

         UPS InternationalPresident Jim Barber (Jim Barber) said: "the United Arab Emirates has trade with all 50 states in the United States and has become the largest exportregion of the United Statesin the Middle East. 

      The importance of Dubai as a global trade hub is increasing, and our smallpackage delivery and freight services are now able to shorten the time oftransportation to Dubaiby one day. The United Arab Emirates provides great opportunities fordifferent companies to expand their business, and other fast developingindustry and Commerce in the region can also provide huge potential fordevelopment. UPS's global intelligent logistics network bears the global 3% GDPtransportation task every day, and continues to grow and grow to meet thegrowing demand for international trade. The opening of this new flight is astrong evidence.

       The flight route, which isabout 7700 miles (12400 kilometers) long, is the longest line of the UPSregular flight, and is carried out by a new Boeing 747-8 freighter with astronger long distance load. At present, the new flight runs every week andwill be changed to a daily flight from Tuesday to Saturday from February 27th.UPS the headquarters of Indiasubcontinent, Middle East and Africa (ISMEA) are set up in Dubai,and the new flight will expand UPS's business in Dubai. UPS will provide better services tocustomers who transport goods to Dubai ortransit through Dubaibefore and after 2020 World Expo. Since 1989, UPS has been operating in thearea.

         Brendan Canavan, Presidentof UPS airlines, said: "our customers are getting higher and higher incarrying capacity. We will meet this demand through this direct flight to Dubai. UPS buying 747-8large jet airfreight is a strategic investment. It is also the largest aircraftwe operate. Our goal is to continue providing long distance internationalairline services.

          Louis Ville Dubai flight is part ofUPS's "global flights". The starting point is UPS world port in LouisVille, Kentucky.When the new package and goods arrive in Dubai,they will be loaded on the cargo aircraft and fly to UPS, the largest transportcenter in Asia -- Shenzhen, China. Thegoods are shipped to the United Statesin Shenzhen loading machine, and then through the California Anchorage HongKong returned to the world of alaska.With the opening of the new flight, the UPS's cologne - Dubaiflight capacity will be greatly enhanced to better meet the demand for freightcustomers between Europe and the Indiasubcontinent, the Middle East and Africa.